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Self-employed or own a small business? Help yourself or your employees save for retirement with tax advantages1.

Key Features

  • Key Feature One Tax Advantages1
  • Flexible Contributions Flexible Contributions
  • Boost Employee Morale Boost Employee Morale

Self-employed individuals and small business owners can utilize a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan to gain tax advantages while saving for retirement.

    • Available to any size business, including self-employed individuals
    • Business owners can contribute to own their own retirement as well as their employees’
    • Contributions are tax deductible1
    • Flexible annual contribution by employers (percentage chosen is not locked)
    • Withdrawals can begin at age 59½
    • Early withdrawals subject to penalty3
    • Mandatory withdrawals at age 73
    • Visit the website for more information on SEP IRAs

1 Please consult a qualified tax professional as certain exceptions may apply. For more information please visit

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